Equine Patient Symptoms Definitions for Isolation and Restrictions

Equine Patient Symptoms Definitions for Isolation and Restrictions

Definitions for equine patients:

  • Diarrhea – Three consecutive bowel movements that do not sit above the bedding.
  • Fever – Any animal with a rectal temperature > 39.2°C in the absence of recent NSAID use, or > 38.9°C in any animal that has received NSAID therapy during the past 24-hour period will be considered febrile.
  • Neutropenia – Any animal that has a neutrophil count < 2000cells/µl.
  • Physiologic diarrhea – May not be pathogen-related i.e. resulting from oral therapy with an electrolyte solution, treatment with a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, administration of oral laxatives or cathartics, or existence of a known disease that may cause a non-Salmonella diarrhea.