Equine Respiratory Disease

Equine Respiratory Disease

Equine Respiratory Disease Considerations


  • Strangles suspects
  • EHV-1 suspects (special instructions)
  • Horses with a fever >102°F (38.9°C), and any 2 of the following 3 signs; cough, nasal discharge, lymphopenia

Exception to Isolation

  • Horses with a fever >102°F (38.9°C), and any 2 of the following 3 signs; cough, nasal discharge, lymphopenia, where the clinical signs have been present for at least 10 days (e.g., pleuropneumonia)

Laboratory Procedures Required

  • Virus identification (from nasopharyngeal swab)
  • Equine influenza (ELISA); EHV 1/EHV 4 (PCR)
  • Microbiologic culture and sensitivity– swab, discharge
  • Serological titers from paired blood samples EHV 1, EHV 4, EVA, Equine influenza